We begin most Thursdays predictably. We wake up, brush our teeth, and set ourselves up against another rainy day in Central Ohio. But alas, this day is different, We wake up in the morning feeling like PDiddy, brush our teeth with a bottle of Jack and look out the window to see sunshine, but why is this day so gloriously different? Ahh, because its Cinco De Mayo or in American vernacular a day to drink for half off at a Mexican restaurant.
Hey, I'm not knocking our sacred traditions. Whether or not we know or care why we are slamming back tequila shots is really none of my concern, what I do care about is where you're hittin it hard. Here in El Columbuso (I am sticking by my assertion that you can make anything sound Spanish by adding an -o) there are many fine options for some great, if not wholly authentic, Mexican cuisine. There are also some definite great local bars for tippin back a veritable choose-your own-adventure of drinks.
You can usually take Cinco de Mayo 2 different ways, both are enjoyable, but it really depends on your level of commitment to the holiday. The version I prefer is taking it really authentic and sticking by our Mexican brethren, Jose and his lovely wife Senora Margarita (I hear she is looking pretty spectacular this year) along with their cousins Corona and Sangria. They really are a delightful family. My go-to Mexican restaurants are Mad Mex on Campus in the Gateway and El Vaquero, which has various locations all over the city. I also heard word of a Cinco de Mayo party at La Fogata in the Short North, so if you are in the area check it out. The plan for this year is to show my appreciation of Senora Margarita, take her out for a night on the town at Mad Mex and treat her right.
The other version is one that my younger, less mature and responsible self would have gone with. I call it the 'Live it up, tomorrow is a Friday and who really cares on a Friday' plan. This involves going to whatever bars/fine dining establishments have specials, dont just stop at the La's and the El's go to whatever place can give you the most for the least. Part of me doesn't hate this plan, that is the part that never wants to get up for work or go to the gym.
So Readers, for all of you that this plan appeals to here is a nice list of bar suggestions: Bodega-Always a killer happy hour, have a Colorado Bulldog for me and eat great food to tide you over til 10pm for your second dinner, (see Happy Endings for this reference). Next class up your journey with a stop at Camelot Cellars-grab a glass of one of Camelot's Ice Wines, I think they are delicious, if you are a wine person then you already know what you like and dont need a suggestion from me. After feeling very grown up with your wine choice head to Union Bar+Food and grab which ever special is catching your eye. Then run to Novaks and Char Bar for some good, down home, dive bar feelings, have a couple of beers and end your night at Press Grill where you will have a better 4th meal than anything TacoBell could serve up (Kitchens open til 1 am!) There, I have planned out your whole night for you! This post should be dedicated to those of US among us, (I'm talking to you co-blogger) who cant make a decision.
Which ever path you choose I hope that you declare victory tonight over whatever Mexico was gaining independence from. Maybe next year I will look that up?
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